Volunteer Management - 2023 - Omied Hallam

Volunteer Management Training is mandatory for any member of staff or manager who is currently supervising a volunteer. If you are supervising a volunteer, but haven’t completed this training, please speak to your line manager and arrange to book on this training as soon as possible. We also recommend the Volunteer Management Training to anyone who would like to take on the role of supervising a volunteer in the future, or for anyone who has completed the training more than two years ago.

Learning Objectives:

• Have a clear understanding of the role of a volunteer supervisor, including how and when to complete the induction, supervisions, reviews and manage problems sensitively and effectively

• Have a clear understanding of the volunteer team staff structure, and their role in the recruitment and placement of volunteers

• Know how and when to support a volunteer to access training and development opportunities

• Receive up to date information about changes to the Volunteer Team’s policies and procedures

• Understand how to complete and submit monthly monitoring, as how and when to reimburse expenses for volunteers (such as lunch, childcare and travel costs)

• Understand the DBS application and renewal process and your role in ensuring that a volunteer has an up-to-date DBS