Mental Capacity - 2023

The Mental Capacity Act came into force in October 2007 .The Act provides a statutory framework for people who lack capacity to make decisions for themselves, or who want to make preparations for a time when they may lack capacity. All staff who work with people who may lack capacity, or who may need support in making decisions , should have an awareness of the Act and work ‘ with regard to the guidance in the Code of Practice’.

Learning Objectives:

Learners will have an understanding and know the 5 basic principle of the Act.

Learners will have an understanding of best interests.

Learners will have an understanding of the assessment of capacity.

Learners will have an understanding of the role of the M.C.A. in relation to Safeguarding.

Learners will have an understanding of the role of the M.C.A. in relation to Support Planning.

Learners will have awareness of the new role and structures within the Act including: Lasting Powers of Attorney, the new Court of Protection, the new Public Guardian, Independent Mental Capacity Advocates, Advance decisions to refuse treatment.